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Katrin Meyer-Schönherr


Young people mean life, energy and the future. They are not only the key players in our world of tomorrow, they will also shape the character of social interaction, our culture and society. A positive mindset is the best foundation for a successful future and a happy life, because "most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be". And that's not so easy.


I have observed this for many years in myself, in my personal environment and - especially in these turbulent times - also in our 6 children (who are now between 20 and 30 years old), in my nieces, nephews and godchildren, in their friends and in the young people in my teams. It is my great desire to utilise these observations coupled with my professional experience for the next generation.


As a coach, I therefore accompany young people in a benevolently neutral role that enables self-reflection so that they can recognise their own potential, receive guidance based on their strengths, values and goals and take their future into their own hands with courage and confidence.


About connect & develop

in-waerts is part of the connect & develop network of Benussi & Benussi GmbH & Co KG, which specialises in executive search, management diagnostics and leadership development. The network is characterised by an exceptionally broad-based team of interdisciplinary, experienced coaches and consultants, who are also available for coaching young people at in-waerts as required.


Benussi & Benussi GmbH & Co KG

Maximilianstraße 43, 80538 München

Telephone: 089 / 500 94 04 00, Fax: 089 / 500 94 04 29

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